This article about the Egyptian writer Nasr Abu Zayd and how he might have interpreted the Arab Uprisings will also appear in the winter issue of the Quarterly Review
Cometh the Moment, Cometh the Movie
The New Internationalist blog posted this article about Paul Goodman Changed My Life and the camp outside St Paul’s. There are details of the UK screenings (November 20th – November 23rd) at the end.
Writing the Riots
This essay is about the rioting in British cities last August. It re-visits Paul Goodman’s Growing Up Absurd in an attempt to better understand the recent outbreaks. Published in Dissent.
Translating Egypt’s Revolution
I’ve an article in the summer issue of the Quarterly Review about the way Egyptian novelists have testified to the truth about life under Mubarak. It includes some discussion of Hani Abdul Mourid and Ahmed Alaidy, an interview with Sonallah Ibrahim and an account of Samia Mehrez’s ‘Translating the Revolution’ project, translating the banners, placards, […]
The Passion of Paul
This article about Paul Goodman, published in the December 2010 issue of the New Internationalist, has also been posted on the website of Jonathan Lee’s forthcoming documentary about him, ‘Paul Goodman Changed My Life’. Read the article here
Letter from the Edge
This is a reportage about the recent expulsions of Roma from France. Published in eurozine. Ici en francais
Drake’s Graffiti: Coming Home Slowly to What the Sea Means
The author was part of the successful campaign to establish a marine reserve in Lyme Bay. The first such protected area in English waters, it has permanently closed sixty square miles of seabed to the scallop-dredgers. This book, based on a talk Morpurgo gave recently, is part memoir, part updated guide to the West Country’s […]
How to be Reconciled with an Oil-Spill
This is the full text of a piece about the Prestige Disaster in the context of our oil-dependency and the build-up to war in Iraq. An edited version of this piece was printed in the March 2003 issue of the New Internationalist.
Londons of the Mind (Dissident Editions)
The second and longest of the three texts posted here includes the account of a pilgrimage to an underground mosque in the deserts of southern Kazakhstan, undertaken quite by chance on July 7th 2005, the day of the London Bombings. Either side of it is an article about EU enlargement and the piece I was actually in Kazakhstan to write. I […]