Author Archives: Horatio

An old pair of Russian binoculars

The August-September 2018 issue of the London Magazine has an essay of mine about growing up with the Cold War, dedicated to the memory of Stephen Batty.

Being Anti-Plastic is Not Enough

I had the good fortune to attend the recent Lush Summit in London. I listened to many fascinating talks there in the ‘Ocean Space’ and afterwards wrote this piece. It’s about the lessons we might all learn from the success of the campaign to ban microbeads in the US. You can read it here.

Unseasonably Speaking

The application to commemorate Stefan Zweig’s time in London with a plaque was refused by English Heritage in 2012. In a piece for PN Review, I argue here that it is time to re-visit this question.

Who Governs Lyme Bay?

My review of Peter Jones’ ‘Governing Marine Protected Areas’ and an application of its central thesis to Lyme Bay was published in two parts by The Ecologist. You can read it on their website.

Europe’s Rotten Wood

Investigations into the activities of a large Austrian timber company, Holzindustrie Schweighofer, have resulted in the company’s FSC license being withdrawn. The Spar supermarket chain has also announced that it will no longer buy wood pellets or briquettes sourced from the company. You can find out why by reading this, published in Resurgence Magazine. Also […]

English Non-conformity and Europe

Three Monkeys Online have published an article about English identity and the EU referendum, originally given as a talk in the Unitarian Chapel in my home town. You can read it here

One Touch of Nature: Shakespeare & Ecology

My review of Randall Martin’s excellent Shakespeare & Ecology was published in the May-June 2016 issue of Resurgence Magazine. You can read the article here. Brief summary: ‘I can think of no better way to celebrate the 400th anniversary than to read this book.’ This article appears in French, as ‘Shakespeare et la Nature’, in […]

A review of ‘Economics After Capitalism’, by Derek Wall, Pluto Press, 2015

Derek Wall is the International Coordinator of the Green Party of England and Wales. His book is a survey of the many alternatives to neo-liberalism. Wall is as knowledgeable about suggestions from reformist financiers like Stiglitz as he is about those of anarchists like Kropotkin or eco-feminists like Vandana Shiva or Elinor Ostrom. Bio-Regionalism has […]

Making Marine Protection Work

The Ecologist Magazine has posted an article here about the debate in Lyme Bay and beyond over how best to monitor the recovery of Marine Protected Areas.

Calling the Count to Account

I’ve a piece in the winter issue of Stir looking at UKIP’s rhetoric on immigration and its unconscious debt to Bram Stoker. Three Monkeys Online posted it here On a related theme, you can read here a translated extract from Ioana Baetica Morpurgo’s novel ‘Immigrants’, about five Romanians living in the UK.