Category Archives: Uncategorized

Europe: The View from a Homeless Shelter

The June-July issue of the London Magazine has an essay of mine about Europe.

Moby Dick, Chapter 118

You can hear the chapter I read for the Moby Dick Big Read here Eva Stalker has been blogging about the readings here

Moby Dick for the Digital Age

I recently interviewed Philip Hoare and Angela Cockayne for Three Monkeys Online about the Moby Dick Big Read.

Various 2012

Not sure if it’s available on line but I wrote a short piece for the New Internationalist about Patrick Keiller’s ‘Robinson Institute’, a free exhibition at the Tate Britain, based on his three Robinson films. Here’s what The Guardian thought. If you couldn’t get to London for that try to see the films anyway. I […]

Drake’s Graffiti: Coming Home Slowly to What the Sea Means

The author was part of the successful campaign to establish a marine reserve in Lyme Bay. The first such protected area in English waters, it has permanently closed sixty square miles of seabed to the scallop-dredgers. This book, based on a talk Morpurgo gave recently, is part memoir, part updated guide to the West Country’s […]

How Thomas Hardy Expressed His Doubt featured by the Woodland Trust

The Woodland Trust have featured How Thomas Hardy Expressed His Doubt on their website The Woodland Trust is the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity, and you can find a range of useful articles on their site here