Chapter about Stefan Zweig’s Erasmus in ‘Das Erbe von Humanismus und Aufklärung in der Exilliteratur’, vol. 17 in the Schriftenreihe des Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg. Published by Königshausen & Neumann, with Margit Dirscherl, Arturo Larcati and Ritchie Robertson editors.
Tag Archives: Stefan Zweig
Zweigheft 27
The Open Letter to English Heritage, requesting a plaque for Stefan Zweig at his London address, and the fuller case I’ve made for this, ‘Unseasonably Speaking’, are printed together in the current (twenty-seventh) ‘Zweigheft’, published by the Stefan Zweig Zentrum in Salzburg. They appear there alongside a fascinating interview with theatre director Roberto Ciulli and […]
In June 2021, an open letter was published asking for a blue plaque to commemorate Stefan Zweig’s residence in central London from 1933-39. ‘Afterwardsness: On Being European Anyway’ is a collection of essays which seeks to emulate Zweig’s Erasmian ideal. A copy has been sent to anyone who signed the open letter and asked to […]
Open letter to English Heritage about a blue plaque for Stefan Zweig
In 2018, the PN Review published ‘Unseasonably Speaking’, an essay in which I made the case for re-opening a discussion about how Stefan Zweig’s time in London should be commemorated. Three Monkeys Online has now posted that piece. The 2021 June – July issue of the PN Review carried an open letter to English Heritage […]