Tag Archives: Stefan Zweig

The Heritage of Humanism and Enlightenment in Exile Literature

Chapter about Stefan Zweig’s Erasmus in ‘Das Erbe von Humanismus und Aufklärung in der Exilliteratur’, vol. 17 in the Schriftenreihe des Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg. Published by Königshausen & Neumann, with Margit Dirscherl, Arturo Larcati and Ritchie Robertson editors.

Zweigheft 27

The Open Letter to English Heritage, requesting a plaque for Stefan Zweig at his London address, and the fuller case I’ve made for this, ‘Unseasonably Speaking’, are printed together in the current (twenty-seventh) ‘Zweigheft’, published by the Stefan Zweig Zentrum in Salzburg. They appear there alongside a fascinating interview with theatre director Roberto Ciulli and […]


In June 2021, an open letter was published asking for a blue plaque to commemorate Stefan Zweig’s residence in central London from 1933-39. ‘Afterwardsness: On Being European Anyway’ is a collection of essays which seeks to emulate Zweig’s Erasmian ideal. A copy has been sent to anyone who signed the open letter and asked to […]

Open letter to English Heritage about a blue plaque for Stefan Zweig

In 2018, the PN Review published ‘Unseasonably Speaking’, an essay in which I made the case for re-opening a discussion about how Stefan Zweig’s time in London should be commemorated. Three Monkeys Online has now posted that piece. The 2021 June – July issue of the PN Review carried an open letter to English Heritage […]